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I have been wanting to document all of the gravel bars on the river for some time. I know that these will change with time and I will update every few years (if time allows). The Akers Ferry to Pulltite stretch on the upper Current River (10 miles) was my first stretch to document in July 2022. On the normal 4-6 hour float it took me 8+ hours to document them all. I found 48 gravel bars along this stretch and I ranked them 1-10, with 10 being the best end of the scale. The bars are labeled by two sets of numbers and 2 letters. The first number set is the year surveyed and the second number set is the order at which they come while going down river. The 2 letters on the end of the 2nd number set is the location (i.e. AP means Akers to Pulltite, CA means Cedar Grove to Akers). Some higher ranked bars will be given a name that I will denote, since I feel they are worthy of more than just a number, but also a name too. I do not list any bars that are less than 10' wide, since I don't feel they are worthy for any extended stay. Also, the composition of the bars can vary from gravel, rock (which is larger), sand, dirt or grass. The one that I put first in order is the main content, and lesser will be after (i.e. Rock/Gravel/Sand vs. Sand/Gravel/Rock). All of my stop times have bene taken out of the below data, so what I state floating minutes that denotes how many minutes on the average the bar is located if you were to drift/paddle without any stops from the put in point. On this trip I drifted about 30% of the time and paddled about 70% of the time. In August 2022 I surveyed Cedar Grove to Akers Ferry and that can be found right here. This stretch is a 10 mile float and you will average 2.5 miles per hour + stops in a canoe. Kayaks a bit faster and rafts a bit slower. The best outitter for this 10 mile stretch if ending at Pulltite is Current River Canoe Rental at Pulltite. If going to Round Spring, then Carrs Canoe Rental at Round Spring is the best option. Both are owned by the same company, Carrs. If you are going to Two Rivers, then Two Rivers Canoe Rental. Always try to leave your vehicle at your take out spot for the best convenience.