My name is Steve King. I'm the owner of Missouri Scenic Rivers along with various other websites as seen at: . I'm a U.S. Navy veteran of 12 years and senior health physics technician where my job is to keep employees at a radiopharmaceutical plant safe from excess radiation exposure and the environment monitored as well. I reside with my wife Tricia and son Christian in Hillsboro, MO (Jefferson County) which is just south of St. Louis. In the summer of 2000, Missouri Stream Team #1571 was formed in an effort to keep the upper Current River clean (Montauk to Round Spring section). That same year I had started a free website for the Current River and Jacks Fork since it was where my parents took me as a kid on float and camping trips in the 70s and 80s. After some feedback from visitors to the website it was suggested that I add the Eleven Point River too, since it was also a "scenic riverway" under a different act. So it was included to make the website about the 3 scenic rivers in Missouri. In 2002 I had upgraded the free site with a domain name and called it For the next 19 years the site was the premier resource site for visitors to the area to help plan their trips. Over the years an MSR Facebook group was formed which grew to tens of thousands of members. In 2021, after 20 years of the old website looking way outdated, I upgraded it to the website to that you see today. My family and I continue make annual trips to the upper Current River and clean up any trash that we find. I do that coupled with my other hobby of finding lost items along the river and return them to the respective owners which many times happen to be on the MSR Facebook group.